Giuliana Frye, ASU Graduation Portraits

I met Giuliana at work … I’m her boss, as she would call me. We met at my families restaurant  (my ‘other’ job) and we’ve had an instant connection since day one. It’s probably because we both hold an international passport (we joke). Our friendship can be compared to the one Samantha holds with Carrie, Charlotte, and Miranda (SITC – Sex in the City, duh!). Age is never talked about, and my ‘real’ age is rarely brought up … somehow, we’re like soul sisters. In another universe, we were roommates. She gets me.

This year, she was faced with not being able to walk her graduation and cancelled her trip to Italy, all due to Covid. We had planned this for months, hence my ‘other job’ being a photographer, so when everything went down, we still decided to  get out there and get the shots. AT LEAST GET THE SHOTS – Right?? Well, we got them, and they came out just like she wanted.  I wore a mask and she looked as cute as she can be. My hair was up in a bun, and I think I almost wore my sweats … because thats what friends are for.

** No sweats were worn during this shoot … well, almost …

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